Twisted Tales Roleplay
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Feigned innocence and secrets of the forest

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Feigned innocence and secrets of the forest Empty Feigned innocence and secrets of the forest

Post by Katie Wed Aug 30, 2017 2:45 pm

On one bright early morning, just before sunrise, Katie had awoken and been unable to fall back asleep, so taking herself a walk through the castle she heard a light whisper from some of the girls cleaning the kitchen to prepare for breakfast, that the Lady Blackrain had spent the night out in the forest, which was not altogether unusual for things of this sort to happen, but still something that made Katie curious, so she walked outside to check out what might be happening.  As she wandered through the woods she noticed the fairy circle that the little girls sometimes hung around and the sight of Raven sitting bu it, so she walked over and smiled a bit.

Lady Raven Blackrain: "so you came into the woods to find me huh"

Katie Goodwin:  "Well yes Raven....I felt just a bit concerned for your safety out here alone...."

Lady Raven Blackrain: "hmm somehow i dont believe you were worried for my safety katie..." brushes your hair behind your shoulders and trails her fingers down your arms to your hands.....

Katie Goodwin:  bites lip softly, looks in your eyes and smiles a bit.  "well I did miss being close to you..."

Lady Raven Blackrain:  smiles and looks towards the fae ....."I was just down here checking on the fae ...." looks back to katie ..."lets walk shall we?"  .....she takes one of her hands and begins to lead her deeper into the woods ....

Katie Goodwin: smiles back at the fae and then nods, squeezing Raven's hand softly and walking deeper into the woods, not feeling worried in the slightest, just watching to be sure my dress doesn't get caught on anything while walking.  "So, how have you been doing?  It's a been a bit since I've gotten to properly speak to you."

Lady Raven Blackrain:  half laughs knowing the reason katie was showing such 'concern' but playing along anyway ..."I have been well thankyou....and the children? did you have a worry about them or did you just walk through the dangerous woods alone to chat about the weather?" ....she smiles and takes a step towards katie ...she locked her eyes on the nannies and seemed to stare that deep into them that she was pulling the truth from her soul...."maybe you heard I had gone walking and came to find me for a whole different reason?" she took another step towards her and took her hands in hers once more

Katie Goodwin:  watching Raven, feeling a bit flushed in the face listening to her words.  "Oh no, not any worried, they're all doing fine, little mischief here and there, you know how it goes....."  She trailed off and looked around the woods, it hadn't seemed nearly as dangerous walking into them, as it did now standing here, eyes locked on Raven's.  Hands trembling ever so slightly while she let them be taken back into hers, knees feeling weak and struggling to not lose control, realizing that my true motives may have been found out.  " might have gone....a bit differently in my head....the reasoning that is."

Lady Raven Blackrain:  looked down at katies hands in her own and smiled darkly as she spoke ..."and how did that reasoning go katie?" she slowly moved katies hands behind her back and held them with one of her own as she circled slowly behind her and brought her lips close to her ear allowing katie to listen to her breathing so close for a few seconds before continuing..."I think you saw me with my girls and made up your own reasons..." she pressed against her back and gripped her hands tighter bringing her lips in even closer to feather touch the girls neck as she finished....."would i be correct?"

Katie Goodwin:  Feeling her heart racing, she hadn't planned this out as well as she would have liked to, but the moment had been there, and she'd managed to leave the children in good hands this morning, it seemed like the right opportunity, but now faced with the actual possibility that things were indeed occurring, she started to falter as Raven's lips traveled so close to her neck.  "'s just that.....well you see...."  She sighed, closing her eyes for a moment, trying to find some point of control to grasp onto and failing in the attempt.  "I do see you with them and sometimes it makes me have feelings you know?  A little.....wondering what it's like to be in.....their position I guess you could say."  Now that the words were out, the secret she had hid deep inside loose, she trembled even more so, feeling very unsure of if she really wanted what she was asking for, and yet never more certain of anything all at the same time.

Lady Raven Blackrain:   smiled and laughed slightly at her words ...nodding her head as if she had knew this information all along....she listened without a word until katie had finished then spoke "would you like to know how it feels katie?....I could show you but it would have t be our little secret would be unheard of for me to treat the nannie in the same way i treat my would be stripped and whipped ...." she paused and slipped a hand around her waist smoothing up to cup her breast then squeezing hard..."or maybe you would like that...would you like that...." she brought her lips back to her ear before accentuating the last word ...."wench?"

Katie Goodwin:  It was a bit unnerving how Raven didn't seem at all shocked or surprised at her admittance.  Suddenly she felt a bit shameful, had she given some other signs without realizing it?  Or was this some kind of witch thing that meant she just knew these things without them being said.  "I just....I dream about it sometimes Raven....I see them walking around happy as can be, even if their cheeks seem a bit tear stained or they are rubbing a bruise or walking a bit....bowlegged the next morning.  And I couldn't figure it they could go about so joyfully and I wondered what that was all about...I can keep a secret, I swear..."  Her voice trailed off, she did, more than anything, want to know, want a piece of whatever those girls got.  The softest of moans left her lips as Raven squeezed her breast, almost arching her back to press against it more firmly.  Squirming hard against the words whispered in her ear, and merely nodding her head and swallowing hard against the lump forming in her throat.  "Yes, I would very much that."

Lady Raven Blackrain: closed her eyes a second, breathing in deeply as if preparing herself for what she was about to do....opening her eyes she smiled "well then..." she began... " We will start by you using my name correctly will address me as Lady Blackrain...and desist in your familiarity ..." she used her last word as a lever to throw Katie to the ground, to her knees, not caring about her dress or the scratches she would acquire to her skin  "and you will do it on your that understood?" she began to pace behind the girl as she waited for her answer...

Katie Goodwin: at first the smile brought a sense of relief, maybe thiis would turn out fine after all.  But then when she started to speak to Katie in such crude terms, it made her face twist up in confusion.  She felt a struggle happening in her mind, how could she not feel familiar with Raven, it was as if she was turning into someone else right before her eyes.  Finding herself thrust to the ground, on her knees in the forest suddenly made everything a thousand times more real, she looked up at Raven in shock.  The thought crossed her mind to smooth her dress out, rise to her feet and walk out of the forest, pretending none of this ever happened, but curiosity is a strange entangling trap, and so stay she did.  Her lips quivered as she tried to will them to become more formal, her family had always been in high standing among the castle, as the ones who had looked after Blackrain children for generations and to now have to step down from that to be on her knees came as a thundering crush to her ego for a moment.  But the determination to not let this get to her, forced her to take a deep breath and let out the words she knew were waiting to be heard fall from her lips.  "Yes Lady Blackrain,.... I do understand"

Lady Raven Blackrain:  laughed so loudly her voice echoed through the forest, she looked down at her "ohhh Katie!" she smirked "that was hard for you wasnt it...are you SURE you want to continue? you may stand and walk away now if you wish.." Raven suddenly spoke with a frosty edge as she continued ..."or you may put your face to the ground, lift your skirts around your waist and I will sate your curiosity ..." she walked around to face her and bent down taking her face in her hand "make your decision now fair Katie and think carefully what it is to be....for once you begin you cannot go back ...." she smiled and ran a finger over her lips considering their softness for a moment "....and nor will you want to..."  she laughed slightly and rose walking back to stand behind her and turning away from her looking into the woods while she made her decision.

Katie Goodwin:  she nodded for a moment at how hard it had been, just one simple, short sentence had felt like her entire life was changing.  Sure she could stand up now, walk away and try to forget it had ever happened, but she also knew she could not.  She knew if she stood up now, she might still hold her dignity intact, but her mind would always wonder and her heart would always beat wildly whenever she was in Raven's presence.  And so without much thought, without even having to consider it, she felt her body moving almost without even asking her mind if it consented to such a choice being made so quickly.  She took a deep breath and lowered her head to the ground, the edge of a twig slid across her forehead, she could smell the earthy scent of grass and wildflowers as her trembling hands reached back to lift her skirts.  It was no where near as graceful as she would have liked, she found she had to scoot about and she shivered when the cold ground touched bare legs that had not seen the light of day in a very long time.  But finally with some effort she had them raised above her waist.  She wanted to speak, say something, anything, but found she could not.  She simply found herself frozen in both anticipation and a touch of fear.  Darn this curious nature she  always seemed to be haunted by, it would be the death of her one day, it surely would.

Lady Raven Blackrain:  looked into the woods and breathed in the scent of nature as she gave Katie a few moments of privacy to make her decision although she knew what she would see when she turned around. Katie had been in her life a long time and though of course she had thought about what lay beneath those conservative clothes she wore, she had never considered that Katie had been in the slightest way inclined to allow her to find out. She could hear her scrabbling about just as she knew she would and imagined for a moment what she was about to lay her eyes upon when she again turned around....absent mindedly she bent and picked up a hazel switch from the floor and began to pull off the leaves as she let her mind wander ....there would be smooth white flesh, perfect and unmarked just waiting for her touch, undergarments still half covering her begging to be torn off....the sudden silence broke off her train of thought and she smiled hearing only now the shallow breathing of the girl as she knelt in anticipation...Raven then turned, smiling again as the view mirrored exactly the image that had just been in her mind...she cast her eyes over the girl and took in everything about her now....her beautiful face pressed to the ground as if listening for a message from the Earth mother herself, her eyes closed, hair splayed out amongst the leaves, the arch of her back as she pushed her ass up like a wanton slut, skirts ruffled around her waist and the thin gossamer fabric of her undergarments laying over her white unmarred skin like a veil of mist covering a secret garden that Raven very much wanted to explore....she stepped towards her and ran the tip of the switch up the inside of one of the girls thighs as she began to talk ..."well, well, well....who would have thought! sweet Miss Katie ...not so sweet after all...such a respected Maiden of the Castle ....." Raven laughed as the tip of switch ran over the girls pussy and a telltale patch of dampness began to form through her delicate underwear "...wants to be ache for it do you not Katie? you desire my firm hand and a release of that desire dont you?" she didnt wait for an answer to her questions because she knew the answer, she simply continued with her chiding tickling the switch over her thighs and pussy, watching the damp patch grow with every movement as she continued .."look how your body gives you away Katie....your wetness ...your shivering...that feeling within you that makes you want to moan out loud and echo this forest with your wanton are a whore Katie and you can tell yourself that you are not but that will not make it any less want me to release your want me to tear that underwear from your body and pleasure you with my tongue until you cum..." she suddenly stopped and held the switch against Katie ass firmly ..."but this is not how this will go wench...the truth is ....I will hurt you and you will scream in ecstasy.....I will humiliate you and you will beg for more...I will speak and you will obey......and you will fear me

Katie Goodwin:  No, this was not at all how Katie had imagined things happening.  She had imagined some romantic secret, lost in the forest, sitting among the flowers, she had envisioned sweetness and of course pleasure, but never this.  And even when she had willingly knelt here, with her body exposed, shivering and growing wetter by the moment, she still had not thought that she would fee this terrified.  And yet she did.  Every word Raven spoke sent a coursing wave of shock through her body.  It was as if Raven had timed every word, every movement, every touch of that switch, so that it would drive her more insane by the moment.  So that by the time she was done, Katie would indeed be begging for more.  She felt her heart pounding wildly in her chest, almost as if to some primal drum beat, it made her hips sway, partly to steady herself because she was not used to finding herself in this physical position, and partly because she was so aroused that every time the switch trickled it's teasing sensations across her skin she let out a whimper of aching need.  She didn't want anything to stop, but she also was trying to process what on earth was happening to her.  Her body was begging for one thing and her mind was fighting it every inch of the way kicking and screaming for it to stop but powerless to over ride the overwhelming desire ignited like a blazing fire within her..  "Please Raven...I mean Lady Blackrain....I don't think I'd like to be hurt too much, I mean I.....I'm scared"

Lady Raven Blackrain:  "i disagree Katie...I think you would like very much to be hurt and you may be scared but doesnt that just add to your wetness? I think it does..." she ran the switch over her ass and up the curve of her back lifting it and then setting it down again on her cheek running it down towards her mouth and stopping at her lips..."this is your switch Katie..." she pressed the switch to her lips harder and watched as it curved and bent without snapping, she mused that it was a good choice and that it would probably last years without growing brittle, how it would stripe the girls skin beautifully with its perfect width and length she smiled and again began to address her in that chiding tone..."isnt it beautiful? ...made my Mother Earth herself and left on the ground for me to choose for will be grateful of this switch, wont you? will respect and fear it but you will crave it and come to love it...." she paused to soak in the fear in the girls eyes and felt herself, a small flood of wetness at the sight of it...."kiss your switch Katie...and tank it for what it is about to do to you..." she commanded
Katie Goodwin:  She stared hard at the ground, it angered her inside a bit for Raven to tell her what she did and did not think or feel, how was she to know?  And it made her face flush even more red when she commented on how the fear only added to her body's aroused response.  She went to turn her face away from the switch but however hard she tried it seemed Raven could anticipate her movements and make it impossible for her to resist what was happening to her.  Her switch?  It made her feel absolutely furious inside.  She was starting to think she did not have what it took, maybe even form a new found respect for Raven's ladies in waiting, they seemed so happy, even after what she did to them, was this what they endured every night?  She felt so humiliated in this moment that she knew she would have no problem ever telling this to anyone,  In fact she felt such shame rising within her at the thought of anyone else ever knowing of the position she now found herself in that she trembled in even more terror.  Raven's words only seemed to make her more angry inside, but she did not dare show it, for she had made her choice and she knew that was as good as giving her word, and she would not dare go back on that.  So she kept the frustrated struggle in her mind internal and allowed her lips to now press against the wood, to taste it's earthy nuances and closing her eyes she whispered.  "Thank you for the pain......and pleasure I am to receive from you"

Lady Raven Blackrain:  watched and smiled as she saw the internal struggle going on in Katies her morals and principles...her downright stubborn highground fighting with her inner desire to be used and pleasured, and her desire winning out as she pursed her lips and kissed her switch ....
Raven knew just from her sheer fear of what people would think of her that the likelyhood of her telling anyone was minimal ...but she had to be sure would never do for Katie to admit to anyone in a moment of trust what had happened ....or was about to happen here this morning and Raven knew it...playing with her girls was a given, she knew they were silenced by the contracts of the castle to never speak a word of what went on behind closed doors on pain of death...but this girl was different she had no contract and was a risk ...there was a strong likelyhood that she would decide she didnt enjoy what was about to happen and though they had been friends for years this wasnt about friendship this was about control and the emotions invoked by what she was about to do to her would be volatile ....however much shame Katie might feel there was still that chance that she may tell the secret that would weigh heavily on her mind to the first sympathetic soul who would listen ...then that would be it ...once the cat was out of the bag it would be hard to catch....there was no other way around this but to do what she needed to do before this went any further ...she considered asking Katie if she was sure one more time before she drew up her power but then she mused ...this had already gone far enough to cause concern even if she stopped now so she removed the switch from Katies lips and smiled at her noticing how the girls eyes were following her movements nervously...she laid the switch across her outstretched hands and closed her eyes drawing in a deep breath and all her power along with it....the switch glowed brightly for a second and then dimmed slightly and began to emit a quiet humming sound as Raven spoke .....

"Ag an Teagmháil as seo Brainse, Go deo Tar éis
Déanfaidh Coinnigh an rún Déanfaidh Ba mhaith leat é
Agus Má tá tú inis a anam Riamh arís Déanfaidh Bí ar fad.
Mar sin déan é a bheith"

the humming got louder and the switch seemed to vibrate for a second growing brighter and brighter then went out like a candle being blown out...Raven paused then suddenly opened her eyes which were no longer bright emerald green but glowing white and without feature...she smiled and looked down at the girl who she knew would be terrified by now as she raised the switch above her head and with a flourish brought it down across the perfect white skin of her ass ....a red welt appeared immediately and a blue light seemed to appear around the edges of the welt and slip inside it like rain slipping through the cracks of parched soil. Raven smiled as she watched it and raised her eyes to the heavens nodding her head and dropping the smallest of courtsys in what seemed to be a thankyou she looked back to the girl and blinked the white of her eyes was gone when they opened and she spoke again only this time she spoke to katie ...."pull down your underwear Katie ...and do it SLOWLY so i can watch your humiliation lest you feel your switch again..."

Katie Goodwin:  Something was happening, Katie had no idea what though.  It was as if Raven hesitated for a bit and it gave Katie a worrying feeling, a sinking sensation in the put of her stomach, was Raven changing her mind?  Katie almost let out a relieved sigh at the thought.  However a moment later, something seemed to have changed, the air felt tingly as if some kind of charged energy was coursing through it, everything seemed sharp and crisp one moment and faded into a hazy blur the next.  "Whaaa.....what's happening?"  She whispered, so softly that Raven might not have even heard her, because before Katie could make sense of it Raven was speaking strangely.  It was like Raven had suddenly lost her mind and could not use the right names for words.....she could hear little bits of words, but then it was as if the actual word meant to be used was garbled or mispronounced.  Katie turned her head to the side and caught a glimpse of Raven with the switch in her hand and her eyes seeming to glow and suddenly Katie hid her face down against the ground again.  "She's putting a spell on me....of god, she's cursing me if I maybe she's going to make me forget?  Wait this is wrong,..... what if she makes me want this again even if I actually hate it?"  Katie's mind was a whirl,  She had grown up almost afraid of witches, even though she was also so close to Raven now, she was starting to get that suspicious mindset she had as a child.  She could remember her mother whispering about things that had been talked about in the village.  She didn't dare move now, it was too late, whatever Raven had done to her, was done.  And just when she was still panicking madly over all of this, suddenly she felt the sting of the switch hitting her backside.  She jumped, a soft squeaky yelp emitting from her lips.  Without even hesitating, she lifted her fingers back and hooked them into the waistband of her undergarments.  And then she slowly tugged them down.  Inch by inch she revealed her most private of places to Raven, and yet felt less and less shame as she did so.  She convinced herself it was some curse she had placed upon her, something that made her get so wet when the switch had made contact with her flesh that she would only crave and beg for Raven to do it again.  And so it was that within a few minutes of tugging down her underwear, her ass was now naked, vulnerable and on perfect display for Raven to view, along with the betraying signs of wetness making a glistening appearance on her inner thighs.

Lady Raven Blackrain:  Raven brought the switch down again, harder this time "SLOWER next time whore!" she commanded "you just cant wait to show yourself to me can you slut?" she laughed. She stepped back and looked her over, running her eyes over what was now hers, that pretty pussy pushed out and glistening with the girls desire, wetness beginning to run down her inner thighs. Raven smiled and ran the switch up over it using the end to open her lips apart and gently slip inside her a little before giving it a few sharp small whips and returning to probing her again ...."you have a pretty pussy Katie....I never knew..." she laughed....she knelt down in the leaves and unceremoniously pulled apart her ass cheeks with her hands leaving the switch hovering weirdly in the air ....she stretched open the girls pussy and slipped her fingers over her wet soft lips allowing her forefingers to trap her clit between them for a second before plunging inside her deeply, twisting and turning in and out using her weight to push deeper still....Raven laughed as her fingers hit a wall inside her "ohhhh Katie!" she exclaimed with a devilish grin..."you come to me with your purity?" she laughed again "a garden untouched for me to play in? did you expect for me to play with you and yet leave you pure for a man?" she leant down and whispered in her ear once more, fingers still delving inside her "I'm going to take it all katie.... youre mine now...know that ...and know it was YOU that gave yourself to me..." she smiled and ran her tongue tip over Katies lips biting her bottom lip slightly as she pushed her fingers harder deeper still tearing through her virginity and her purity like the Morrigan herself tearing through a Raven felt the unmistakeable burst of her hymen she leant back and moaned feeling a rush of wetness and her own desire and placing a hand on Katie's back began to fuck her hard with her fingers inserting another and another until her pussy was full .....wetness began to trickle down her hand and with it came the inevitable flow of crimson ....the smell of blood lifted into the air and turned Raven primal....suddenly she growled and withdrew her hand grabbing Katie and throwing her over onto her back she tore the dress from her breasts and roughly yanked her legs apart grabbing katies face and wiping her bloodied fingers across her mouth ...stopping momentarily, breathing heavily and taking in the sight of the frightened girl with blood and purity streaked across her lips before lunging at her and kissing them hard ...the taste of the girl and her virginity only serving to increase the animal in her....

Katie Goodwin:  She jumped a bit, slower, the word rang through her ears at the same time that the switch made contact with her flesh.  It was true, she felt in a frenzy for Raven to touch her, touch all of her.  Katie felt her cheeks flushing, no one had ever looked at her pussy before, much less called it pretty, she started to wonder what a pretty one even looked like.  But before that thought could fully form in her mind she was lost in the feeling of the switch moving across her skin, the wetness swirling about, feeling it run down her thighs.  She squirmed a bit, moaning softly, this was a bit how she had imagined it, closing her eyes and just starting to get into the moment when she felt the whips against her, stinging at first and then turning to a dull throb of aching pain that seemed to seep into her like dark smoke, already begging for more even in the midst of pure terror..  That was when she felt fingers inside of her and she realized what was going to happen.  There was no time to panic though and she had to admit that feeling full of Raven's fingers only made her want to feel them deeper.  No one had ever explained to her what losing her virginity would feel like, her own mother never spoke of such things at least.  Her eyes were wide when she realized what Raven intended to do.  Katie had been dreaming at night time with her fingers on her clit, fantasizing about Raven's tongue on her wet pussy, she never imaged that she would be taking her last lingering bit of purity with her.  Hers?  She was going to take it, she really was!  The realization hit her like a stone in the pit of her soul, there really was no going back now.  She closed her eyes and felt Raven's lips on hers, biting and kissing back passionately.  Then she felt it, the searing pain of her innocence being ripped away, it seemed as if Raven devoured it like a hungry primal animal, not caring that her body was shivering and trembling in the throes of what had just happened to her.  It seemed like an extra surge of wetness now flowed from her now and she felt her body tossed about like nothing more than a rag doll, a toy for Raven to play with whenever she willed it.  She felt the fabric of one of her favorite dresses torn from her body, the one she had fixed up just for this occasional, having imagined that Raven might find her more inviting in it and yet how ironic it seemed that more than anything Raven had wanted her without it all along.  She felt her body shoved almost deeper into the earth as Raven's fingers moved across her lips and she tasted her own blood.  She felt a wave of disgust slide across her for only a moment before she saw what this was doing to Raven, how wild and savagely full of dark desire she seemed as she looked down at Katie.  Sucking in a deep breath just before she felt Raven almost falling upon her and kissing her.  All of the pain seemed distant now compared to this moment full of frantic passion and aching desire.  Raven could have done absolutely anything to her now, and she would have let her, she may later have said she was under some spell, but in the moment she would have admitted the truth, she wanted it more than anything, no matter how dangerous it seemed.

Lady Raven Blackrain:  felt Katie writhing beneath her digging her heels into the ground in an effort to push herself away bu Raven only pinned her harder grabbing at her flesh....tearing her nails across her delicate skin causing more blood to bead along the scratches and following them with her tongue, biting hard forcing her weight upon her....this girl had wanted something from her and Raven didn't like people wanting  things from her ...all the years of friendship they had nurtured were forgotten in this moment and Raven honestly saw her as nothing more than another wanton whore that needed to be taught a lesson....the lesson that you should be careful what you wish for ...she intended for her to be scared, she intended to ruin her, leave her a mess of a girl, shivering torn and bloody in the woods. The more Katie seemed to accept her fate the worse Raven wanted to hurt her to make her beg. She raised her head at the girls moan of desire and lifted her hand - bringing it down hard across her face "shut your whore mouth!" she growled "the only sound I want to hear from you is the whimper of you understand me?" she commanded ...she looked down at her for a second then got to her feet grabbing Katie by the hair and dragging her up, she was unsteady on her feet as Raven pushed her towards the tree and slammed her against it ....pushing her hand firmly against her back forcing her over to hold the base of the tree her ass once again in the air, he red and blood covered pussy pushed out in the cool air of the woods...she snatched the switch from where it levitated and almost screamed as she brought it down again and again over the girls flesh ...stripe after stripe appeared, burning red and glowing like the embers of a fire, the girls screams echoing off the trees only fuelled her lust and she reached down snatching up a long smooth stone from the forest floor not even pausing to wipe it clean before she rammed it into the girls pussy ...thrusting it inside her again and again pushing her face into the bark of the tree and smiling darkly as she saw the scratches it caused...."relent to me katie...." she panted wildly as she grabbed the girls ass from the side plunging the stone inside harder and faster "relent and admit your fear, give me what i want .....your terror and your humiliation..." she pushed the stone inside as deep as it would go then raised her hand pulling her ass cheeks apart roughly with one hand she brought the other stone on top of the stone hitting it hard and causing it to plunge ever deeper.....blood and desire running down the girls legs ...flicking up the tree as her hand connected with her flesh causing a backspray....she grabbed the girls hair again and pulled her head back hard as she abused her innocence...."give me my fear Katie!" she demanded "if you want your pleasure then GIVE me mine!"

Katie Goodwin:  The fear surged inside of Katie, what was happening now?  The feeing of blood being drawn from her flesh from the scratching mark's Raven's nails made her shiver and start to cry, and not the pitiful sort of whimper that came from being just a little afraid, but the sobbing, gut wrenching sort of sobs that were a result of having her whole world flipped upside down in a matter of minutes.  Where was the friend she had cared for all these years?  The wife of her childhood friend Cole, the woman she had nurtured, cared for her children, and often sat and talked with?  Who was this woman that was ravaging her body in such a brutally forceful way, with no care whatsoever to if she enjoyed it, in fact she seemed to revel in the fact that Katie was showing signs of changing her mind now., the slap to her face was what did it, the word whore and shut your mouth rang in her ears.  She wasn't a whore!  She felt her insides screaming, her body throbbing in pain and fear and the fear making the pain worse than it might have actually been.  She winced in pain as she was drug to her feet and pushed against the tree.  She felt as if she might fall over and so gratefully clung to the tree base as she felt the cool air hitting her exposed flesh.  The screams left her lips, echoing across the forest, bouncing back to her ears as each stroke of the switch against her skin made her feel as if she had reached the limit of what she could possibly take and yet more was being done, much more.  She felt her face going raw from being pushed against the tree, scratches forming where surely someone would notice, but that was the least of her worries right now.  She gasped hard and almost choked on her own sobs as she felt something rammed into her, it felt cold and hard as it forced it's way inside of her.  She was starting to lose her mind a bit, she wondered if this was also some kind of magic being done to her.  Her entire body tensed up hard, the fear made everything more clear, the pain more intense, Raven's words resounded louder in her head and her body clenched so hard against the stone inside of her that she sobbed harder as the pain seemed to race through every part of her, right down to the core.  Katie started to be terrified that if she did not do what was demanded of her, that Raven might kill her.  And that thought was what brought on the sheer terror that Raven desired.  Tears ran down her face in little streams down her cheeks, she choked on them as the sobs welled up from her throat.  Her entire body ached as she panted hard not in any sort of pleasure, but in a desperate wish for it to stop.  "Please Raven.....Lady Blackrain....please it hurts I can't take anymore, you'll rip me in'll kill me...i'm scared.....please....I'll do anything....please make it stop"  Her words were soft, trembling and spoken between gasps for breath that she could not seem to catch

Lady Raven Blackrain:  Raven stopped immediately at Katie's pleas, dropping the switch and moaned loudly lifting her skirt and plunging her blood covered hand into her underwear, pushing her finger deep inside herself as she looked at the girls damaged bloody body naked now against the tree all but a few scraps of her torn dress .....watching the girl panting and crying, weak from the abuse she had recieved she came hard ....screaming into the trees her wetness ran down her hand and her hips bucked against them wildly as she dropped to her knees like an animal on one hand...the other still surfing the waves of her climax her face was almost parallel to Katie's own tear stained miserable face and Raven laughed as she withdrew her hand and shoved her fingers into Katies mouth moving them in and out roughly and wiping them across her lips as she tried in vain to move her head away but was too weak to succeed suddenly she rose and without warning pushed the girls legs apart bringing her hand down once more on her pussy and making her scream with the fear that her abuse was about to continue but then fingers opened her up and the girl felt the warm wetness of a tongue on her clit ....lapping at the sensitive area and sucking gently to begin with.....fingers once again finding themselves inside her but gently this time ....slipping in and out of her now hungry pussy. Raven sucked harder and flicked her tongue faster and faster over Katies clit smiling as the girls hip movements began to reluctantly move in time with her mouth .....feeling the whore inside her being coaxed out she worked on her pussy and waited for the screams to once again fill the woods for a whole different reason this time.....

Katie Goodwin:  Katie felt a sigh of relief escape her lips, her breathing came raggedly from a throat raw from screaming so loudly.  She went to wipe at her wet eyes, she wasn't even that concerned with what Raven was doing until she heard the laughter so close to her ears and opened her eyes to stare at her in a bewildered sort of way.  Before she knew it fingers were plunged into her mouth and she tried to move her head away from them but was unable to do so, as if something in her was broken for the moment to fight.  She felt Raven moving behind her and weakly started to protest when she felt the slap to such sensitive, raw flesh, there was no possible way she could take anymore, how could she think that there was anything left inside of her now that her naked, bloody body was just hanging there struggling for every breath?  But this time was different.  Katie felt that tongue she had so craved before moving across her clit, she felt the gentleness she had expected from her friend and her hips started to move to the rhythm of Raven's movements inside her.  She was still panting hard, her body was weak and felt limp, and even through the softness her body still felt sore, every ounce of pleasure still tainted with a touch of pain.  But she soon forgot the pain, fighting through her lack of energy, pushing aside how raw she was in places and letting the feelings wash over her like a healing balm.  She closed her eys and the whimpers turned to moans, which grew into screams of ecstasy.  "Raven.....oh Raven...."  She forgot herself now, caught up in the moment, feeing her body surging forward to some sort of height she had never known.  Sure, she'd played with herself plenty, but she'd never made herself feel this good.  She rocked back and forth on her knees, crying out louder than she ever had, wanting to let go, but not daring to.  Raven may have just led her through a world of the darkest hell she could imagine to get to this bright shining moment of bliss, but she still was not going to let herself have release unless she told her she could.  So instead she let herself ride along the ridge of these waves that threatened to crash upon the shore of her soul, letting herself be taken to places she could never have dreamed of.  But when it seemed like she could take no more she whispered in a hoarse voice tinted with lustful, aching need.  "Raven.....please Lady Blackrain....I need to...umm, you know......please may I?"

Lady Raven Blackrain:  smiled again and whispered against Katie pussy ....allowing her lips to gently flutter over her clit as she spoke ....."cum for me Katie.....cum for your Lady....let me take your purity completelya and you will be mine...."

Katie Goodwin:  those words ran through her like a thousand butterflies being released into the forest.  She moaned and screamed so loud that it hurt her own ears and yet she did not care.  She felt the floodgates inside of her releasing as her entire body tensed and she came hard against Raven's mouth.  Her body vibrated as her hips kept on riding Raven's fingers until she could take no more, her panting body falling limply against the tree as if she expected this to be the end.  She whimpered like a satisfied whore, feeling absolutely no shame as she turned her gaze back to Raven and bit her lip softly.  "Thank you Lady Blackrain....that was amazing...."

Lady Raven Blackrain:  got to her feet and moved in front of katie looking down on her and smiling as she surveyed what she had done to her...she had in front of her a ruined girl ....her hair soaked with sweat clinging to her face with tears that had stained her cheeks ...her body bruised, red and bleeding ...and instead of feeling sympathy it only stirred her lust once more ...she crouched down and lifted the girls face to look at her "you are very welcome wench" she smiled running her hand up the side of her waist and over the roundness off her breast circling her finger tips around her nipple and considering them and she gently pinched and rolled it in her fingers.....suddenly she pinched it hard and pulled it forcing katie to stand upright ....pulling her towards her she once again kissed her trembling lips and ran her tongue over them tasting the sweet flavour of sex and blood on them, keeping a firm hold of her nipple she pulled back and began to lead her, pulling hard on it so the girl would follow ....slowly backwards they were edging ever closer to the hem of the woods ...then crossing the path into the copse where the waterfall made its rainbow over the water ....Raven knew it was far too early for anyne to be out wandering the grounds and the waterfall was the perfect place fr her to clean up the whore before she sent her on her way ....she pulled her by her nipple to the waters edge as she staggered and tripped from weakness clearly scared that they would be seen in her mostly naked state.....when they reached the water Raven ripped her fingers away nipping her skin between them as she spoke "undress katie ....take those scraps off!" ....Raven herself began to slip off her garments and drape them over a nearby bush stepping into the water below

Katie Goodwin:  just when she thought it was over, that she might get a chance to get away and process things, Raven seemed to have other ideas in mind.  The early morning air was still chilly and now that her body was coming down from all of that activity her sweaty skin was making her shiver.  But a sudden surge of heat filed her again when Raven's fingers found her nipple, she bit her lip and wanted to push her hands away, but resisted the urge for fear of Raven snapping and doing something worse to her than she already had.  She rose to her feet, whimpering as she was led by the tugs on her nipple out of the forest and to the water.  She could not help glancing all around, fearing someone would see them, and yet finding the thought that they might strangely arousing.  She carefully slipped out of the last remaining shreds of clothing, taking her dignity with them as she laid them by the bank and stepped into the water.  It was cold!  She felt her skin prickling as she stood there, shivering and clearly scared, she had no idea what Raven might be up to next.  Katie would never have described Raven as predictable, even before this, but now she felt as if she needed to be prepared for absolutely anything to happen.

Lady Raven Blackrain:  took katies hand as she stepped into the cool water and gently swayed her around pulling in her into her arms in front of her ...her hands smoothed down her body and cupped the water bringing it up to pour over her breasts and she watched with interest as her nipples hardened with the cold trickles....she dropped her head and kissed katies neck gently biting and running her tongue over the sensiti8ve skin there ...rolling her nipples between her fingers and sllipping a hand beneath the surface to wash away the blood and fire that surrounded the girls pussy....she whispered in her ear "see how you liked that katie? you see how a few moments pain can bring you so much pleasure in the end?" she circled the girls clit with her fingers and smiled as she felt her react...."how does it feel to be unpure katie?" she asked as her fingers moved faster on her pussy

Katie Goodwin:  the cold water made everything feel more alert in her mind now too, the cold water now washing away all of the pain, soothing her fear with Raven's gentle touches across her skin.  She let herself be swayed around in the water, as if it was some sort of dance, tilting her neck to the kisses, taking it all in as if her body was starving for touches she never knew she could have felt.  She almost let herself forget how painful and terrifying it had all been, almost.  "I never thought I would....but they...your girls, seemed so happy, and I knew you did some....well dark things to them, heard them whispering about it sometimes...but I never paid no real attention to it.....and never imagined this is what it would feel like"  She bit her lip softly as she felt her clit now swelling again, she wanted to chastise her body for reacting so wantonly every time Raven touched her like that.  "It feels,  Like there is someone who knows me better than I even knew myself...."  She turned her head a bit to look into Raven's eyes.  "As if you knew I would like it before I knew it....."  She bit her lip softly as Raven's fingers moved faster and she let herself get caught up in those swirling sensations, feeling a heat growing even under the chilly water they stood in.

Lady Raven Blackrain:  Raven grinned back at her ..."THAT is not draiocht mo chroi" she said shaking her head and then looking back at Katie and laughing at her confused face "um ....magic my love" she translated..."it is how it always is....all women want it whether they admit it or not...." she smirked at the girls expression and pulled herself up onto the dock sitting open legged she pulled katie closer to her and guided her head to rest against her own breasts, stroking her hair away from her face and trickling water over her cuts to wash away the blood and dirt from the forest ground....."lust is Uilíoch mo do you say.....universal....we are all animal, primal beings but only the bravest among us dare to indulge in our desires...." she lifted the girls chin to look in to her eyes "feel no shame...Tá tú cróga are brave..." she kissed her lips once more then flicked back her hair and guided her face down to her own breasts arching her back to meet the girls lips with her nipple... "show me how brave now...."

Katie Goodwin:  the words felt oddly soothing to her, as if she had heard them somewhere else, in some far off place that her subconscious could not reach.  But all the same, it was comforting to know she was understood, that this wasn't some spell she was put under, it was just natural.  She let her head rest against Raven's breasts, letting the words sink in.  She was brave?  And yet moments earlier she had felt such shame for acting like nothing more than a whore.  It was all so confusing.  But the one thing that led her on, was her body, responding and knowing what it wanted, and right now it wanted to make Raven feel as good as she had made her feel only moments ago.  Her lips captured Raven's nipple into her mouth, sucking on it softly at first and then harder.  She let her tongue swirl around it flicking across it, letting it form into a point and dancing that around it as if she was writing some sort of passionate love song onto the sensitive flesh.  Her fingers wandered to Raven's other nipple, slowly tracing around it and then pinching it, pulling on it.  She felt herself getting a bit more playful in her movements, her teeth dared to graze across the hard nipple in her mouth, sucking and biting on it, pulling and moving her head back and forth.  Then she placed hungry, greedy kisses from one nipple, to the next, her fingertips moved  to tug on the hard damp nipple, giving it the same treatment as the other and then curiously and very bravely, daring the move downwards, exploring Raven's body, down her stomach, her lips still sucking hard on the nipple, giving it playful nips as her fingers danced lower still, wondering if she would be stopped when she dared to place a tentative fingertip to the inside of Raven's thigh.

Lady Raven Blackrain:  watched her exploring...finding herself becoming braver and smiled "mmmm thats it....good girl" she coaxed "let it out ...let your lust free katie..." as the girls mouth travelled lower Raven lifted her feet up so her heels were on the dock edge and arched her back further ...taking the girls hair in her hand but gently this time she guided her mouth downwards opening her legs wide and pressing her lips to her own pussy "now show me what you learnt katie..." she breathed "make your lady cum..."

Katie Goodwin:  she shivered a bit, not from cold, or from nervousness, but possibly from the sheer privilege being granted to her.  Her exploration cut short by feeling her face now thrust to Raven's pussy her mind a swirling mess of feelings and sensations.  She felt her hair pulled to press her lips even closer and she flicked her tongue out hesitantly.  She had never expectation she would enjoy this, she always thought it might be something she was disgusted by, probably something her mother had taught her.  But in this moment it was as if her tongue was starved for something it never knew was missing.  It flicked greedy like all over Raven's clit, she sucked it into her mouth, swirling around it with a fervent passion in her movements.  Her fingertips pressed against her lips to open her even wider so that she could get her tongue into every fold.  She would flick in one direction ot the other, dance it faster and then slower, testing out what making her tongue flat and raking it across her did and then taking the tip and darting hard fast flicks.  It was like having a whole new playground of things to experiment with and she was taking it all in, soaking it up like a sponge.  Her face was pressed so close against her that she could not even look up at Raven and get any clue how she was doing, but she bravely kept on anyway, getting more turned on again for every moment her tongue spent licking up her Lady's juices as if it fed some primal hunger within that was never quite satisfied.

Lady Raven Blackrain:  bucked her hips against katies flickering tongue and moaned loudly..."oh yes my little whore....good girl...dont stop!" the ducks wings beat the air as they flew away in fear and she laughed out loud pressing the girls face harder into her pussy and grinding against her mouth felt the beginning of her climax ...."oh dont stop girl.... fuck me harder....put your fingers inside me and make me cum..." she released the girls head and gripped the dock edges preparing herself for the wave of sensation about to be released...."HARDER NOW!" she screamed...

Katie Goodwin:  she felt the reaction to her what she was doing and felt very pleased with herself, moving her tongue faster and wiggling her ass a bit in the water, as if she was proud to be a good girl, proud to be her lady's whore.  She felt her face pressed even harder against her, making it almost impossible to breath, gasping for air as she sucked and licked Raven to orgasm.  She placed two fingers at the entrance to Raven's pussy and wiggled them a bit, she was afraid of hurting her until it seemed to Raven's bucking hips just about sucked them inside as far as they would go and she realized that was not going to be enough.  So she added a third finger and began fucking her hard with them, thrusting them in and out as deep as they would go.  Then when she screamed for it to be even harder she added a 4th finger, her lips sucking so hard on her clit, even biting it with her teeth and tugging on it as her fingers slammed in and out of Raven so fast they were only a blur of movement now.

Lady Raven Blackrain:  arched her back one more time as the waves of her orgasm hit ....she writhed on the dock edge and screamed loudly as wave after wave washed over her ...her pussy pulsating with pleasure she looked up at tower top in the distance and smiled almost laughed at the thought of her old life and how much she had changed in this one....gradually she relaxed and with one last press of her pussy aginst katies lips she sat up and took the girls hair in her hand again and kissed her hard....."good girl" she smiled ..."now wash your face...get dressed and return to your quarters....folk will rise soon and you do not wish to be caught doing a task that is not yours to do" she grinned andslipped back into the water with her arnms resting on the dock as katie turned and stepped out of the water ...smacking her ass as she left and incurring the sexiest backwards glance and smile as she stepped out of the water....until she saw her clothes torn and destroyed on the bank of the pond....Raven noticed her forlorn look and watched as the thought crossed her face of how she would explain the ripped dress t anyone who saw it....she laughed to herself as Katie picked up the scraps and held them in her hand clearly wondering what to do ....raising her right hand lazily she waved her fingers and the dress glowed briefly ...the fabric moving and bonding itself back together before katies eyes until she was again holding her dress as perfectly stitched as it was before ....she heard katie gasp and glanced back with a wink ....katie pulled the dress on open mouthed and began to leave ...she paused her steps looking back to see Raven facing away, head back relaxing in the cool water and jumped a little as Raven shouted "Draiocht mo chroi....draiocht...." with a laugh and waved her hand behind her as if to shoo her away....

Katie Goodwin:  Katie felt quite pleased with herself, as if she had really achieved something by making her Lady orgasm and she shivered as the early morning's events seemed to wash over her.  She rinsed quickly in the water and got out.  Staring at the torn shreds of her best dress she sighed, how on earth was she going to explain this!  But then Raven surprised her yet again, as it seemed she was going to continue to do, and she marveled at how it seemed good as new again, possibly even better.  She pulled her clothes back on, still feeling chilly from being damp, but also refreshed and ready to face the day.  "Well the children will be rising soon and cant have them asking questions, so yes....I shall....see you again soon...Lady Blackrain."  She smiled and with a little wink trotted off back to the castle nursery, having the kind of smile on her face that none had ever seen before and holding the secret to it's source hidden deep within.

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Join date : 2017-08-23

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Feigned innocence and secrets of the forest Empty Re: Feigned innocence and secrets of the forest

Post by Makenna Wed Aug 30, 2017 3:07 pm

Makenna Hurst:  slips silently nearby because Katie said to make sure the Lady was well taken care of. She did not speak, merely made herself available if wanted or to be shoo'ed off if not.  But she did smile when she saw the handsome Lord approaching and whisper the softest of respectful greetings.

Lady Raven Blackrain:  paused her singing for a second to greet Mackenna without even turning around..."Dia dhuit ar maidin Mackenna" she called cheerfully as she smiled to herself knowing that her acknowledgement of her presence without looking always made mackenna a little nervous...she went back to her bathing and singing until she felt the presence of her husband approaching....only then did she lift her head to listen although she carried on with her tune...softly singing the words "wolves asleep amidst the trees....bats all a swaying in the breeze..." as she awaited his voice...that voice that even after all these years made her melt and forget her darkness....and there it was....she heard her husband whisper a greeting to Mackenna and she smiled ....he was always so respectful to everyone ...just another one of the things she loved about him ....then she felt him draw closer and her smile widened and her singing halted as he spoke and addressed her...

Lord Cole Blackrain:  It's a cool morning and so seems off to me to be relaxing in the water, but whatever makes my Lady happy is alright with me.  I'd been told that she had been out here all night and was worried something had happened, but she often did things that made little sense to me.  So after a good dose of strong coffee I ventured outside to see her and my eyes hungrily looked her over, licking my lips after being deprived having her in my arms last night.  "Good morning my love, are you enjoying yourself there?  Is this girl being good to you?"  I eyed that one warily as I have heard some stories about her in the village, and want to make sure she is not being lazy.

Lady Raven Blackrain:  turned in the water and rested her arms on the dock smiling broadly ..."Dia dhuit ar maidin lord" she finished never quite getting used to the fact that her husband never really liked her speaking her bloodline tongue..."the girl is fine Mo Tiarna lord....and so is the water ...." she giggled as she lay back and pushed herself away from the dock swaying her arms in the water, aware of what the sight of her naked flesh did to her husband and teasing him slightly as she continued in her best 'fair maiden' voice "how fair thee this morning my handsome husband?....would a kiss from your fair lady wife make your morning a little brighter?" ....she swam back to the edge of the dock and pulled herself half out of the water with her elbows awaiting his lips meeting hers....

Makenna Hurst:   it was indeed unnerving that however quiet she was, her Lady always seemed to sense her presence, others called her mouse, when they were not busy eluding to her parents ill-fitted name choice and calling her 'Mardy Makenna' and other such deviations of the same.  But all the same she smiled and whispered back "greetings Milady" and then went back into silence, finding an out of the way spot on the bank to settle while the Lord and Lady talked, quietly marveling at the grace with which her Lady moved about in the water.

Lord Cole Blackrain:  It was hard sometimes to hear her speaking in words I did not understand, as if she held some mysterious secrets still even after all these years.  I nodded in approval at the girl, but still kept my eye on her, it was not that I disliked her, but she was new still and no matter how much I respected Raven's choices, I still felt that no one was ever quite good enough for her and had to take time to warm up to her new ladies in waiting.  "All is well my love, and even better now that the sight of you in the water has met my eyes, makes a man feel very lucky indeed.  And you know that a kiss always makes things brighter."  I said walking over to the dock and bending down to place my lips to hers, at first just intending to give a soft kiss but then grabbing her head in my hands and holding firmly as I kissed her hard and with much passion.  "Yes, that has improved the situation very much"  I whispered against her lips before capturing the lower one in mine with a soft bite.

Lady Raven Blackrain:  felt her tummy flip as she watched her husband stroll towards her with his air of strong confidence and his stunningly beautiful body....all these years and he could still make her feel like a teenage girl in love...and love him she always he made her beam with his presence and the sheer purity of his love and she relished in his kiss as his lips met hers ...the small bite sending a shiver through her body and his words making her giggle as she whispered back ...."I am glad to be of service mo chroi....." she reached down and cheekily ran a finger over his crotch feeling his cock beginning to harden slightly ..."it seems i improved it greatly..." she chided cheekily...."maybe you should cool down a little?" and with a grin she pulled him hard making him lose his balance...

Makenna Hurst:  she giggled watching them, it was a fun sight to see!  Quite refreshing since most people their age in the village, her parents included, were so worn down by life that they were just grumpy old sour people most of the time.  But since being at the castle, it was like watching a fairy tale love story in progress.  And watch she did, not saying much but truly feeling  a sense of pride in her new 'family' just by being surrounded by it.  The kiss itself could have taken her breath away even from such a distance, and she held her breath as she watched the Lord stumble and her eyes went wide in anticipation to see if he would fall in or not.

Lord Cole Blackrain:  I loved the way she giggled, as if some kind of magic here kept her young.  It made me think of the legend one of the gardeners told me about the apple's in the orchid once upon a time having come from some seed that had been blessed by fairies, and while they would not raise the dead like in the legend, were still extremely good for one's health.  As I watched her rosy cheeks glow in the early morning sun it simply made me laugh loudly at how happy she seemed, it made me content to see that I was part of providing that happiness for her.  She already had me off kilter when she stroked my cock through my pants, it seemed to leap in her direction even if that was all in my mind.  But when she tugged hard enough I found my boot slipped and I was in the water with her, shaking my wet hair about like a dog that's just been bathed and dipping my hands under the chilly water to splash her as I jokingly scolded her.  "Now, now, see what you've gone and done?  Bad girl you are this morning!"  I dipped my hand under the water again, this time to give her ass a good squeeze.

Lady Raven Blackrain:  screamed and was laughing uncontrollably as Cole teetered on the dock edge before crashing into the water beside her ....the ducks once again quacked loudly in protest and flew off as if annoyed beyond belief at the antics in their pond and this just made Raven laugh even more ....struggling to breathe she screamed again as her husband shook his hair like some great handsome mer-king emerging from the water, splashing her and scolding her with that beautiful smile on his face ....she was breathing heavily from the exertion of laughing so hard as she watched the droplets of water run down his body in the sunlight but the sight took away even more of her breath and she moved towards him through the water until she was in his arms tightly held in her most favourite place to be in the world in his strong grasp...she giggled and brushed her wet hair from her face looking up at him in mock innocence...."I am sorry my Lord..." she batted her long eyelashes at him "should i prepare for my punishment?" she asked sweetly smiling up at him with those eyes he loved so much knowing they would get her out of any misdemeanour's she should commit....

Makenna Hurst:  this was probably the best show she had or would see in a while, the other girls really would not believe her, or maybe they would, they'd be sorry that they had not been scrubbing the front hall floor as she had been sent to do and been snatched up by the nursemaid to come out here to check on the Lady, yes they would for sure, call her Mardy Makenna if they wanted, but she was at least in the right place at the right time.  She couldn't stop that cheesy grin on her face and was glad they were paying attention to each other and not to her as it gave her the chance to crawl closer to the edge and hide her small body in the tall grass and observe the kind of romance most people only dream of.

Lord Cole Blackrain:  Those damn ducks!  Well to be fair, we were invading their home with our antics, but they should know better by now that my love was the kind to break all of the rules, even in a duck democracy.  When Raven floated into my arms I just held her tight for a while, pulling her close enough to rest my chin on the top of her head while I caught my breath and thought.  Then she tilted her face up and looked at me with those eyes that I could never resist giving into.  "Sorry you should be!"  I mocked being firm with her, which could never last for long.  "Yes, you should prepare by ensuring you are wet enough for me to make you scream so loud that they hear you all the way at the docks"  I said, still trying to look stern but eventually cracking a smile, leaning down to kiss her again, pressing myself against her and starting to feel the weight of my wet boots and pants becoming an annoyance.  "And help me out of these wet clothes"  I added as a soft whisper against her lips.

Lady Raven Blackrain:  kissed him back and giggled, looking down at he water aroiund her ..."well i think im definately wet enough for anything sir ....the doocks huh?" she looked in that general direction as if she was thinking hard whether she could be that loud ..."well i could help you out of them right now and we could see if im loud enough?" ....she grinned and her hands went under the water untying his pants and slipping inside them to grasp his hard cock...."unless of course you have serious business to attend to mo Tiarna?" she again smiled sweetly flashing him her big green soulful eyes as her hand began to work his cock up and down beneath the wtaers surface...

Makenna Hurst:  this was the funny bit about serving her Lady, watching her seemingly be in trouble and get out of it, she'd seen other girls try the same and never succeed, it was as Lady Blackrain had magic charms, or maybe it was just that everyone knew that if she was happy, this was a beautiful place to be, her laughter colored the world in hues the world had never seen until she walked among them.  And then the good stuff happened, she eyed the action beneath the water with a softly bit lip, that cock might never have touched her, but that didn't stop a girl from admiring from afar what made her Lady quiver.

Lord Cole Blackrain:  I reached my hand between her legs, using my foot to kick them apart more widely for my access and slipped fingers within, pinching her clit hard and then roughly sliding fingers inside her.  Thrusting them in and out a few good times just to get her going as I felt my cock get harder within her hands.  "Yes my love, I believe that will do. Today my serious business is making you cum at least a few times before my day even starts"  I said while letting her help me out of my clothes and setting them on the dock side.  Then I pulled her back close to me, kissing her and letting my hands wander her body, pinching nipples, squeezing breasts firmly, slapping her ass and finally pushing her against the dock and looking down into her eyes while my cock teased against her waiting pussy..  "Tell me what a bad girl you've been and how hard you need fucked this morning."  I said with a low growl in my voice.

Lady Raven Blackrain:  gasped and grinned as she felt her legs knocked apart and giggled slightly as his fingers began to envelop her pussy slipping inside her and playing at will ...she let out a breathy moan and allowed her head to fall back as he continued to pleasure her, not even needing a break after her antics of the morning as most would...her husband could ignite her passion matter how many times she had cum that day or at whose hands she had taken her pleasure. She felt his cock harden even more at her touch and she longed to feel it inside her ...after a morning of being in command it always felt so good to be the one being commanded by a firm yet loving yet deliciously dangerous hand. Raven watched as her husband piled his clothes on to the dock, throwing mackenna a cheeky wink as she spoke "a few times you say?....well i hardly think a few ti...." her mock complaint was cut short by his lips on hers and his hands on her breasts...she gasped again as his hard cock pushed against her pussy nudging at her while he teased and questioned her ...she replied between gasps her eyes closing and her back arching with pleasure as she ground against him desperately " have no idea how bad i have been this morning sir ....ohhh my lord the most naughtiest girl you could think of today ....all decree says you should fuck me extremely hard until i repent my sins....but of course to TELL you to fuck me hard would be disrespectful and would only cause you to exact more punishment upon me ...." she hooked her finger around his neck and lifted her head meeting his eyes with hers in a defiant stare and a cheeky yet intense expression and smiling slightly challenged him with her words "fuck me hard!" then almost breaking into a laugh added an innocent ..."sir" before putting a finger to her lips and biting it seductively...

Makenna Hurst:  she whimpered.  By now her fingers had trailed over her exposed breasts, pinching her nipples as her eyes hungrily watched.  It was so much like a story book how they could go from sweet romantic young acting lovers to something you might imagine seeing in the adult section of the library.  Her hands were wandering down to lift the thin fabric that just barely hid her pussy from view.  She nestled down into the grass, parting her legs further and sighing with a gasp as cool dew from the grass mingled with body heated juices against sensitively aroused flesh.  Her fingers trailed around her clit and if one listened closely they might hear shallow breathing and the pounding of a heart caught up in the moment, watching her own personal show, hidden from view.

Lord Cole Blackrain:  she really did know hot to land herself in trouble and then get right back out of it again, sometimes in the same breath.  "Well I guess I had better punish you so you learn your lesson ought I?"  I said, teasingly rubbing my cock against her clit and then back down to the entrance, sliding into her and without warning thrusting hard enough to let my entire length sink om.  Then holding her there I leaned close, bending down to bite her neck hard, sucking on the place my teeth marked and then whispering in her ear.  "Yes Ma'am, my sexy little charming minx, don't have to tell me twice"  And with that I pulled back out and began slamming into her with all of the strength that I had within me.  I had my hands on her hips to pull her in closer, staring down into those eyes that always drove me out of control when I looked into their depths.  I watched her breasts bouncing with each firm thrust, the entire experience sending me into a primal state, wanting nothing more than to hear my lady's screams filling the grounds this morning.

Lady Raven Blackrain:  screamed loudly as he slams into her ...the roughness of his actions only serving to coax her lust even more and more felt like he was everywhere at once filling and satisfying every part of her body yet never quite enough...."harder sir please!" she screamed as if she were starved of his touch....suddenly thrown onto her stomach she raised her head and grinned directly at mackenna closing her eyes and moaning loudly with each slap on her ass ...watching the girl pleasure herself was bringing her to the point of wanting to cum herself and she locked eyes with her and begged cole to release her "please my lord fuck me hard ....make me cum for you...."

Makenna Hurst:  her movements were faster now, her fingers slick with wetness and spurred on by pure lustful desire, just aching to release but staring at her Lady, watching as she was thrown about just made her arch her back and fuck herself into such a frenzy that she was biting her lip hard enough to draw blood so as to not make a noise and the Lord turn around to see her just yet.  Her tongue flicked out to taste the droplets as she thrust her fingers harder still into her soaking wet pussy.

Lord Cole Blackrain:  I yanked hard on her hair, fucking her hard from behind, slamming into what was mine, as if I was claiming it all over again.  I felt everything inside of me get so close to cumming inside her, but not yet, I wanted to feel her pussy squeezing my cock in orgasm when I released my seed into her.  So I reached around her and pinched on those nipples, hard enough to take her breath away and then grabbed hold of her hips, lifting her up to meet my thrusts even deeper as I felt my cock sink further inside, as if I was now touching everything possible and slamming even harder now from this angle and growling low at her..  "Cum for me my love"

Lady Blackrain:  threw her head back and moaned loudly at his words ...pushing hard against him and bringing herself right to the edge before flicking her head forward and staring directly at mackenna silently mouthing the words she knew her girl had been waiting for "cum for me...." not taking her eyes off the writhing girl she came....and she came hard ...practically crawling up the dock her nails scraping the wood and surely leaving scratch marks on the planks to remind hr of her encounter that day for a long time ahead....her screams filled the air and she felt like she couldnt open her legs any wider or push on to that cock any harder ...releasing a flood of wetness as her husband did the same and she could see her girl joining in with the group climax hidden in the grass ....breathing heavily she gradually rode out the waves of her orgasm and fell panting and sated onto the wood beneath her....smiling and dripping wet...

Makenna Hurst:  at those words her entire body reacted at once, wetness dripping from her onto the grass, flowing from the fingers that slammed inside of her.  She finally could hold it in no longer and a soft moan followed by an almost scream came from her as she hit the edge and tumbled over it, body splayed out on the grass, panting and shivering as she slowly floated from some far off place where orgasms live back down to earth, only vaguely aware that anything else was going on around her.

Lord Cole Blackrain:  at the exact moment that I felt her pussy clenching and orgasming around my cock, was the moment that I could hold it no more, releasing a load of hot sticky cum into her and groaning out loudly as I did so, thrusting a few more hard times into her before I pulled out and drew her into my arms, holding her firmly against my chest and kissing her passionately.  It was only then that I realized that I heard another sound from the brushes and saw the girl laying there, clearly having just pleasured herself and I glanced at Raven and smirked.  "Seems we had an interloper here still too, she was so quiet I near forgot about her"  And I nodded a bit to her and smiled a bit as I said.  "Hope you enjoyed yourself there...."

Lady Raven Blackrain:  Raven giggled and wiggled her fingers to mackenna in a cheeky wave before falling into coles arms laughing ...her life with her perfect husband was everything she knew it would be and more and she smiled at him watching him laugh, how his eyes sparkled and how he held her so tight without even thinking...they had beautiful children....a beautiful home...and a beautiful life...she was about as happy as she could ever possibly be...she looked at him again ...she surely was blessed and she suddenly felt overwhelmed with love for him ...pulling herself up her hands around his neck she kissed him softly ..."tá grá agam duit mo tiarna" she smiled ...not even caring that he couldnt understand her didnt matter ....she loved him anyway....

Makenna Hurst:  She waved back and laid there in the grass a moment before pulling herself back up to a kneel, she looked right at her Lady and pressed wet fingers to her mouth, sucking them clean and then hearing them both laughing, smiling and watching them falling into each other's arms, just made her sighs softly, she felt like the luckiest girl in the world just to be near them.  She took in these last moments greedily before the day began and she found herself busy once more.

Lord Cole Blackrain:  pulling her tighter, kissing her as if I could never quite get enough, closing my eyes and listening to the strange words she spoke and not minding at all this time, it made her happy and that's all I did care about, her happiness.  "I love you Raven Blackrain....more than words will ever be able to express, more than all the stars in the sky."  I held her close to me, reveling in those last few moments before the day really began, feeling convinced I had done enough before 9am than most men might do all week.

Standing up then, and knowing there were things that needed to be done that day, but feeling that for the moment, they could wait I looked down at the naked form of my wife and chuckled softly. "Well, if you get yourself dressed quickly enough, we'll go into the village, I want to buy you a present today, so you can pick something nice out..." I didn't say what the present was for exactly, I didn't feel I needed a reason, but I did reach down and pluck her nipple between my fingers, giving a slight twist and then releasing it. "But don't take too long getting all pretty, or you know there will be too many people vying for our attention to enjoy ourselves properly," I said with a smirk and went to check on some brief news from one of the guards while she prepared herself.

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Post by Makenna Tue Jan 02, 2018 8:10 pm

Makenna Hurst: She'd been just soaking up the last few free moments in the early morning sun, she knew at any moment she'd have to rush back to the castle and get the day's chores and other tasks done. She was not paying as strict of attention to the Lord and Lady just at that moment until Lord Cole mentioned taking Lady Raven into the village to buy her a present. Immediately Makenna forced her entire body back to attention. She rose from the ground, brushing off bits of dew-moistened grass from her legs and walked silently over to the lady. She offered her arm as she glanced around with a panicked sort of look, the castle was many footsteps down the paths away and the Lord seemed in a hurry, how were they ever going to make this go more quickly. She would never have dared to tug on the Lady' arm to get her to hurry, but she did anxiously whisper in her ear. "We should hurry Mi'lady, the Lord won't want to be kept waiting's such a long way ..." She bit her lip nervously, she knew that at the end of the day if things did no go as smoothly as planned, that it was her that would pay the price for any pent-up frustrations that accumulated for the Lady.

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Feigned innocence and secrets of the forest Empty Re: Feigned innocence and secrets of the forest

Post by Lady Raven Blackrain Tue Jan 02, 2018 8:39 pm

"a present!" she thought ... Raven knew she could act as cool as she liked but the minute her husband mentioned a present she would be reduced to an excited little girl every time. As a child, she had never been given presents and it wasn't until she met cole that she realised how much she loved it. Cole had noticed this too and clearly found it endearing to have her jumping around like a child at yuletide so much so in fact that she was sure it was the reason he bought her gifts most of the time, just so he could laugh at how she tried to hide it but couldn't.
She simply looked at her husband and smiled and he could obviously see her excitement in her eyes however much she tried to hide it. She heard Makenna urge her to hurry and took her outstretched hand turning to smile at the girl as her husband left. "shhh girl!" she whispered "just let the Lord leave ... the rear view is much too nice to ignore" she grinned.
Raven watched Cole leave then turned to the girl who was almost open-mouthed watching him too. She laughed and as soon as Cole was out of sight, without even waiting to warn Makenna, she waved her hand creating a blue shimmer around them that seemed to waver for a split second before vanishing along with them.

Makenna landed on her bottom with a bump, luckily on the bedroom rug in her ladies chamber. Before she could even stand up the Lady Raven had made her way to the vanity table and was brushing her hair "come along girl!" she chided "you cant be sitting around all morning! I have to get dressed for the village!"
She twined up her hair, held it with pins and placed a tiara on her head then stood up and dropped her clothes to the floor, turning to face the girl with her hands on her hips in all her naked glory "well come on girl! prepare me!"
Lady Raven Blackrain
Lady Raven Blackrain

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Feigned innocence and secrets of the forest Empty Re: Feigned innocence and secrets of the forest

Post by Makenna Tue Jan 02, 2018 8:52 pm

Makenna had to agree that the Lord was handsome in whatever view someone might be lucky enough to see him in and she giggled with a blush forming on her cheeks, especially after the excitement of the morning activities already.  She had blinked, just one second she had blinked and was about to prepare to hurry the Lady along to the fasted route to the castle when suddenly they were IN the castle.  She stammered for a few moments, little starts of questions forming in her mind but she was in too much shock to process it all.  And before she could get even a word out, the Lady was standing naked before her and so Makenna lept to her feet.  She filed away that strange experience away in her mind as something to whisper about with the other girls before going to sleep at night.

She then walked over to the Lady and quickly thought about the occasion.  Lyric was much better at picking out clothes for the Lady, but Makenna had been trying to pay more attention to such things as well.  She walked to the wardrobe and lifted a few dresses up to the Lady to get her opinion on them, and once she could see that sparkle in her Lady's eye that told her that was the one that would be best she grinned and walked back over to help her into her attire for the day.

There were a few times that she blushed brightly when her hand touched a breast, or when she knelt down to adjust her skirts and could still smell the faint smell of sex in the air, but in the end she managed to do it without embarrassing herself too much.  When she had finished dressing her, she ever so gently spun her around to look in the mirror and whispered shyly.

"I hope Mi'Lady will be pleased....I am sure the Lord will find you irresistible to shower with presents now"  She said with a slightly mischevious giggle tinting her words.

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Feigned innocence and secrets of the forest Empty Re: Feigned innocence and secrets of the forest

Post by Lady Raven Blackrain Tue Jan 02, 2018 9:11 pm

Raven smirked as she admired the girls work in the mirror. "My darling girl....I could wear a hessian sack and he would want to shower me with jewels" she spun on her heel and marched towards the door "come girl we will take the boring path to the carriage, I fear another portal may addle your pretty head" She laughed as she descended the stairs and gracefully swooped through the halls with servants flitting around her like birds draping her with a cloak, handing her a muff to push her hands into and curtsying as she passed them on her way out of the castle to the carriage.
Makenna followed her dutifully all the way and lifted her skirts as she climbed up into the carriage where Cole was waiting for her.
She smiled at him as she sat "my love" she nodded her head in greeting and waved at Makenna out of the window as the carriage began to pull away.

Raven sat back and watched the trees passing by the window as the carriage trundled on out of the castle grounds and into the village. What might she choose? maybe a new fur since the weather had been so cold of late? maybe even a pretty new jewel box from the traders on the market, there was always fancy and exotic goods being brought in from other lands and Raven loved to peruse all the beautiful things those lands had to offer.
She reached out and took Cole's hand as they drove along the paths. Whatever he bought her it was sure to be the most beautiful exotic thing he could always was...

To be continued here .....
Lady Raven Blackrain
Lady Raven Blackrain

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Join date : 2017-08-23

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